Sinostorage has delivered a wide range of successful ESS solutions within China and abroad. Whether it's for small or large-scale C&I operations; integrated Photovoltaic consumption(storage + solar PV system); backup power; grid-side/generation-side/user-side; or hybrid/off-grid/micro-grid settings, from solar farms, industrial parks, commercial sites, housing communities, EV charging stations, to remote islands, our energy storage solutions offered a flexible and adaptable solution to meet the diverse needs of our clients.

Sinostorage has delivered a wide range of successful ESS solutions within China and abroad. Whether it's for small or large-scale C&I operations; integrated Photovoltaic consumption(storage + solar PV system); backup power; grid-side/generation-side/user-side; or hybrid/off-grid/micro-grid settings, from solar farms, industrial parks, commercial sites, housing communities, EV charging stations, to remote islands, our energy storage solutions offered a flexible and adaptable solution to meet the diverse needs of our clients.

Energy Storage Capacity: 550kW from Photovoltaics, 250kW+250kW from Flexible and Direct Current, and a 500kW Load.

Application Scene: "Photovoltaic Energy Storage System" at the Boao Forum for Asia News Center.

Revenue Review: Through comprehensive renovation, the construction of the News Center has formed the highest level of "Photovoltaic Energy Storage System" in the country. Annual power consumption has reduced from 650MWh to 520MWh, while also generating 550MWh of electricity per year. Demonstrating a 30% increase in capacity, it also reduces distribution upgrades in the demonstration area.

Energy Storage Capacity: 550 kW from Photovoltaics, 250 kW+250 kW from Flexibleand Direct Current, and a 500 kW Load.
Application Scene: 'Photovoltaic Energy Storage System' at the Boao Forum for AsiaNews Center.
        Revenue Review: Through comprehensive renovation, the construction of the NewsCenter has formed the highest level of 'photovoltaic Energy Storage System' in thecountry. Annual power consumption has reduced from 650MWh to 520MWh, whilealso generating 550MWh of electricity per year. Demonstrating a 30% increase incapacity, it also reduces distribution upgrades in the demonstration area.
Energy Storage Capacity: 100 kW/200 kWh (including 2 sets of 50kW/100kWhoutdoor cabinet-style photovoltaic energy storage systems).
Application Scene: Self-sufficiency, photovoltaic consumption, supplying power topublic areas such as charging stations and hotels.
Revenue Forecast: After the project is put into operation, the total installed capacityof roof photovoltaics on public buildings in the small town is 56 kW, with anexpected annual power generation of 49MWh. The annual electricity bill is expectedto save USS4,857 and reduce carbon emissions by about 31.4 tons/year,significantly reducing the electricity costs of hotels and public areas.

Energy Storage Capacity: 500 kW/1000kWh (including 5 sets of 100 kW/200kWh cabinet energy storage systems).

Application Scene: An industrial manufacturing enterprise - peak shaving and filling, uninterrupted power supply.

Revenue Review: After completion of the project, the enterprise's annual power consumption is over 600MWh. Peak and valley arbitrage produces annual income of about US$81,428, and basic demand electricity charges have decreased by more than US28,571.

Energy Storage Capacity: 100kW/200kWh (including 2 sets of 50kW/100kWh outdoor cabinet-style photovoltaic energy storage systems).

Application Scene: Self-sufficiency, photovoltaic consumption, supplying power to public areas such as charging stations and hotels.

Revenue Forecast: After the project is put into operation, the total installed capacity of roof photovoltaics on public buildings in the small town is 56kW, with an expected annual power generation of 49MWh. The annual electricity bill is expected to save US$4,857 and reduce carbon emissions by about 31.4 tons a year, significantly reducing the electricity costs of hotels and public areas.

Energy Storage Capacity: 100 kW/200 kWh (including 2 sets of 50kW/100kWhoutdoor cabinet-style photovoltaic energy storage systems).
Application Scene: Self-sufficiency, photovoltaic consumption, supplying power topublic areas such as charging stations and hotels.
Revenue Forecast: After the project is put into operation, the total installed capacityof roof photovoltaics on public buildings in the small town is 56 kW, with anexpected annual power generation of 49MWh. The annual electricity bill is expectedto save USS4,857 and reduce carbon emissions by about 31.4 tons/year,significantly reducing the electricity costs of hotels and public areas.’

Energy Storage Capacity: 100 kW/215 kWh.

Application Scene: Joint power supply from photovoltaic energy storage, diesel

backup power supply.

Photovoltaic capacity: 50kW, energy storage capacity: 50kW/50kwh, mutual aid capacity: 50kW
Realize the time-shift optimization of new energy access energy in the station area, soft and direct mutual aid between stations, and backup power supply in the station area.

Energy Storage Capacity: 1MW/2MWh.

Application Scene: joint power supply from photovoltaic energy storage.

Energy Storage Capacity: 30kW/60kWh.

Application Scene: Photovoltaic joint energy storage cabinet plus

electric vehicle charging car park.

Energy Storage Capacity: PV: 65kWp, ESS: 100kW/200kWh, EV: 7kW DC EV

chargers x 4 + 60kW DC EV chargers x 2

Application Scene: PV-ESS-EV integrated charging station

Energy Storage Capacity: PV: 65kWp, ESS: 100kW/200kWh, EV: 7kW DC EVchargers x 4 + 60kW DC EV chargers x 2Application Scene: PV-ESS-EV integrated charging station

Our systems with cutting-edge C&I ESS technology have helped businesses have access to stable electricity, reduce electricity costs, increase projects revenues, improve business resilience, and achieve maximum social and economic benefits by utilizing renewable energy to its greatest extent.

We have business partners covering Asia, Middle East, Africa, South America, North America, Europe, and other regions. Backed by all-in-one high-performing ESS cabinets/containers, scientific and stable supply chain, and dedicated team of experts, we are looking to keeping expanding the global market in the battery energy storage industry, and committed to empowering a clean energy future for the world.

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